“¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!”  This chant was a prominent feature of support in Salvador Allende’s Chilean election campaign leading to his democratic election in 1970.  In 1973, of course, the elected government was overthrown in a CIA backed coup, installing the dictator Pinochet.   In the same year, the chant became a popular song that has been employed in many popular struggles up to the present.  It recurs in many languages.

However I want to point to the rhythmic structure of the chant.  In its basic form, this has a two beat structure with accents on beats 1 and 3 of the first bar, and 1, 2 and 3 of the second.  This pattern is almost certainly much older than the popular Chilean chant, and seems to be globally prevalent.  Examples after the fold, and please add your examples in the comments!

First up, an example the Sudan, date unknown, but probably part of the local manifestations of Arab uprisings in 2010/2011:

The chant here is “Ash-shab yurid isqat an-nizam“, Arabic for “The people want to bring down the regime.  Further examples of this chant from the whole Arab world are easy to find.
The rhythm supports many texts.  Here is another arabic one (from Sydney, Australia), but I don’t know the text (help me out in comments please!):
In English, the Chilean model is “The people, united, will never be defeated!”, but other texts are common.  Here are disgruntled Irish students with “No ‘ifs’, no ‘buts’, no education cuts!”
I came across some angry folk in Sao Paulo who were protesting at a publisher, Veja.  The (rude) text is “(H)ei, Veja, vai tomá no cu”, (no, I won’t translate that for you), and is apparently commonly addressed to football referees.
Here is the same basic rhythmic structure in Greek:

Now, I have a question to anyone interested in this.  Does this chant potentially occur in all languages?  I have been unable to find an Italian or Chinese version, though the well-known Spanish version should rule out any simple notion that this is found only in “stress timed” languages (a mythical category).  If you have examples from other langauges, feel free to post them in the comments.